Hire, trained, and Managed Talent


All upath talent is built on six main elements to ensure interns receive the valuable training and meaningful internship experience that encourages the success and development of interns along with companies. 

  1. Technical training: Technical Training teaches the skills needed to design, develop, implement, maintain, support, or operate a particular technology or related application, product, or service.
  2. Soft Skill training: our Soft skill training focuses on who people are, as opposed to what they are trained in. They serve interns/trainees to represent their approach to life and work. Simply put, soft skills are interpersonal skills hardwired to an individual’s personality, and they characterize how your interns/trainees interact with other people in the workplace.
  3. Community support: Our upath community of interns help each other through the process of continuous learning and help each other to bridge their knowledge gaps. 
  4. On job support/ mentorship: Our community of industry and subject matter experts helps the interns all along their journey. 
  5. Knowledge transfer: we facilitate the easy knowledge transfer between the company and intern and make the process onboarding and working seamless both for intern and company.
  6. Project management: we help companies to successfully manage interns all along the journey to maximize the efficiency of work through our dedicated project managers. 

What will upath do? 

  1. No more screening or scheduling: We screen the candidates and schedule the in-person interviews.
  2. No more payroll responsibilities: We administer all payroll services as all interns remain on the Upath payroll. Our employers receive only a monthly invoice and payment only begins when an intern starts their internship.
  3. No more commitments: Employers can assess the employer-employee fit without any obligation beyond the agreed upon internship length. If an employer retains an intern as a full-time employee after their internship ends, there is no finder’s fee.